Saturday, August 28, 2010


I was having trouble the other day with journaling a travel themed scrapbook page. Sometimes I tend to over analyze even the most mundane things. Then I decided to take the simple route.

1) I looked at the photos and thought, "What do I want my posterity to know about this trip, 20 years from now?"

2) Looked up the date of the trip, the exact name of the town/place we were at and any other pertinent information.

3) Who are the people in the photo? (That one was easy!)

Sometimes I try to think up "cute" ways of journaling when just going with the basics makes things so much easier! Part of being a human being I think!

Another way of journaling would be to keep ticket stubs, receipts, etc. and use them as a springboard for your journaling. Sometimes having those things in a scrapbook might intrigue your future generations and give a peek into what life was like! Always make sure you use acid-free spray on the memorabilia. This will de-acidify the item and you can safely use it on your scrapbook page without harming your photos.

Till next time!

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